Saturday, April 20, 2013

Virtual Time Spent

Download Teamviewer
Explore a little bit
Went to ISTE website and read about the standards

Watched Google Groups tutorial
Followed the links to how to find and join groups
Followed the links that describe the home screen
Explored Google groups a little bit
Re-familiarized myself with Google Hangouts

Google hangout with my brother!

Familiarized myself with the google presentation Don has started
Visited ISTE website and fully explored the standards

Worked on Presentation
Found lots of images to add to presentation
Made edits

Found my old blog
Perused it along with several others from past cohorts
Researched Google sites
Wrote a new blog post
Did some more work on the powerpoint pres

Wrote a new blog post
Refreshed memory of presentation by going over it
Met with Don to talk about our presentation

Looked over last 2 sessions and current sessions homework
Reviewed presentation

Met with EdTech classmate and discussed what we have been learning and how this could be applied/incorporated into the job fair interviews. Talked about TPACK, how we were using technology in our own classrooms. Debriefed after job fair.

Researched NETS*T and how that could be applied in the classroom
Wrote the outline of first blog post
Started researching the Essential conditions
I chose the most applicable for myself and wrote posts

Wrestled with Screenr for much of the morning, can’t get java to download because it is corrupted or something. Tried in Chrome, Mozilla, and Internet Explorer several times each.
Explored different technology sites and blogs
Wrote last blog post

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