Saturday, April 20, 2013

Virtual Time Spent

Download Teamviewer
Explore a little bit
Went to ISTE website and read about the standards

Watched Google Groups tutorial
Followed the links to how to find and join groups
Followed the links that describe the home screen
Explored Google groups a little bit
Re-familiarized myself with Google Hangouts

Google hangout with my brother!

Familiarized myself with the google presentation Don has started
Visited ISTE website and fully explored the standards

Worked on Presentation
Found lots of images to add to presentation
Made edits

Found my old blog
Perused it along with several others from past cohorts
Researched Google sites
Wrote a new blog post
Did some more work on the powerpoint pres

Wrote a new blog post
Refreshed memory of presentation by going over it
Met with Don to talk about our presentation

Looked over last 2 sessions and current sessions homework
Reviewed presentation

Met with EdTech classmate and discussed what we have been learning and how this could be applied/incorporated into the job fair interviews. Talked about TPACK, how we were using technology in our own classrooms. Debriefed after job fair.

Researched NETS*T and how that could be applied in the classroom
Wrote the outline of first blog post
Started researching the Essential conditions
I chose the most applicable for myself and wrote posts

Wrestled with Screenr for much of the morning, can’t get java to download because it is corrupted or something. Tried in Chrome, Mozilla, and Internet Explorer several times each.
Explored different technology sites and blogs
Wrote last blog post

Ed Tech Leadership Resources
Dropbox is a really nice tool for allowing teachers to share resources in a common digital location that is stored on the cloud. I have seen this used really effectively between PLC’s and it is nice to have a backup copy of materials that is not attached to a hard drive.
I think this is a really cool way of presenting information in a different way to students. These presentations are very aesthetically pleasing and engaging to watch. Powerpoint is a good way of relaying information to students, and prezi does very similar things but in a completely different and exciting format.
Google Docs is something that I have learned about through this program and I have become so reliant on it and amazed at all the things you can do with it. It is nice to always be able to access your documents with internet connection and is perfect to encourage collaboration among peers. As a teacher you can share documents easily with all your students, or you can monitor their own progress on documents that are shared with you.
This is a website that one of mentor teachers shared with me and it a great place to find all kinds of resources, templates, activities, or ideas. One of the sections has all of the resources together, there’s a section specifically for videos, but there is also “popular posts.” I like to look through these to see what other people are talking about or looking into which allows me to at least try and keep up with the ever evolving world of technology.

Essential Conditions for leveraging technology for learning

Student-Centered Learning
Planning, teaching, and assessment centered around the needs and abilities of students

I think that incorporating technology in the classroom can make content exciting and fun for students. I think it’s important to always keep your students at the center of every lesson plan and have the do tasks or activities that are rigorous but not overwhelming. We don’t want to give them an assignment that is far beyond their abilities because then they may become overwhelmed or get a negative attitude towards the task. We should all make it a point to figure out where our students are at in their own technological journey, and to develop lessons that all of our students can participate in.

I also believe it is really important to let students explore topics that they are interested in and genuinely want to know more about. In a social studies environment I like to prod my students to come up with things that they want to know more about, or any questions they still may have. Sitting students loose on the internet to investigate and research for themselves not only builds necessary skill sets but also lets them take ownership in their own learning.

Ongoing Professional Learning
Technology-related professional learning plans and opportunities with dedicated time to practice and share ideas

I understand the importance and place that technology holds in the classroom, but I think that it is difficult to keep up with how quickly technology changes. It seems like every year there is a new “big thing,” not even to mention the education resources that are added by the minute. Most teachers have their plate pretty full and don’t have the time to spend researching and keeping up with the latest technologies. I believe that it is really important for teachers to take professional development time to explore new developments in the field.

Sharing ideas can be such a beneficial tool to pool resources and try out new strategies. Whether it is in person or virtually, I believe teachers should regularly talk about how they are incorporating technology in the classroom, things that are going well, and things that flopped. We want to be technology leaders and models for our students, so it is important that we dedicate explicit time to our own learning and development.

NETS*T Standards

2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress

We live in a technological age that continues to develop and evolve with each passing day. Our society is becoming ever more “plugged in” and this is the environment that our students have grown accustomed to. In order to take advantage of the endless resources, ideas, and activities available online, we need to know how to effectively incorporate them into our lessons. We want to equip our students with a strong skill set that will allow them to succeed in life outside a school environment. With this in mind, it is necessary for teachers to have the ability to be models for their students.

In my social studies class I really like developing lessons that deal with subjects that the students are genuinely interested in. I have spent many hours researching and creating powerpoints that explore topics that students have wanted to know further about, but I don’t ever have enough time to talk about everything they are interested in. I am about to start a unit on the Mayans and I would like do a research portion where students can explore topics that they are curious about or that have particular interest in. The classroom I am in has about 12 notebook computers that students can use for research and then create a presentation with information and pictures that they have found.

NETS*S #5 in Simple English

5. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal
issues related to technology and practice legal and
ethical behavior.
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible
use of information and technology
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology
that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity
c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for
lifelong learning
d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

When it comes to technology and the internet, the possibilities truly do seem endless. Any question or topic that you want to learn more about, you have the capabilities with a simple click of a button. We want our students to have the skills to use our ever evolving technology to the best of their ability, but we also want them to be responsible digital citizens that are leaders to those around them.

My partner Don and I created a powerpoint presentation where we go into this standard further, give some relevant examples, and provide a lesson plan that incorporates all the elements of the TPACK model. The first part of the PowerPoint Screenr is listed on Don’s blog: and the second half is listed below!

(Coming soon!)