Sunday, September 18, 2011

Google Docs Group Project

I started using Google Docs earlier this year because I don't have Word on my computer and I'm too cheap to buy it. For a while I was using WordPad, which works, but that's about it. One of my friends told me about GoogleDocs and I have been so pleased with it since I began using it.

Tom Cavanaugh and I started working on this Google Docs Project in class last week, and it really has showed me the excellent collaboration abilities of this program. I had been using Google Docs but only as a word processor, but this project has convinced me it's so much more than just that. One of my favorite things was how it really did feel like you were working right along side your partner, but you could completely do it on your own time. I think this tool is really useful for group projects (obviously), but also would be great for editing purposes. Sometimes with really important documents it's nice to get a couple sets of eyes on what your writing, and Google Docs makes this super easy.

Tom and I both added to to all of the sections on and off throughout the day, which really made it seem collaborative all along the way. I plan on adding some more pictures and links, but as of now I just added one of a puppy, because let's face it, they're adorable. And also a link to an article I had read earlier today. I do want to say how cool it was to be able to drag images and texts straight over to the document, that is definitely not something I knew about.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, am using Docs exclusively ... not to save money, but because of the anytime, anywhere, from any computer and the collaborative features. Glad it's working for you.
